Do you want to know more about your faith?
Do you want to understand God’s relationship with you, His Church and the world!
Do you want to grow and mature in your discipleship?
Then Living Faith is for you.
This is not an alternative to Alpha or other courses for new Christians or those wishing to find out about Christianity.
It is designed for committed Christians who want to explore their faith. It’s more of a guided discussion group than an academic course.
Study Guides and collections of extracts from a number of books, which you get to keep, will be available for the modules (there are 6); each one costing £10. You will be able to work from home in preparation for the discussion group meetings. A module will consist of 10 sessions, so the whole programme can be completed in two years -30 sessions per year.
The Six Modules cover:
Spirituality and Prayer
Exploring the Bible — New Testament
Questions of Faith
Reshaping Church
Exploring the Bible — Old Testament
Challenging Choices (Ethics)
Hundreds of people have already completed this programme in Monmouth Diocese and in other parts of Wales, and thousands more in England. Although it is certainly challenging, all have found it interesting and enjoyable and many have found it life changing.
The day and time of the meetings will be decided later to suit the majority of those wishing to take part. If we have enough, we can run two (or more!) side by side at different times and days. Because of the way Living Faith works, it is better not to have too many in the group, otherwise not everyone will be able to share their ideas and insights. (Our first group started with ten, which is probably about right.)
A number of people have already expressed interest in joining the group that we are intending to start in September. So, you have a few weeks to think about it during the Summer break. If you are interested, or just want to know more, please contact Revd Graeme Carby (029) 20733915.
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